Corcoran Legends Realty
Cindy Cassuto, Corcoran Legends RealtyPhone: (914) 672-3277
Email: [email protected]

Five Tips To Organise Your Garden Shed

by Cindy Cassuto 11/17/2019

The shed is a space that’s useful for storing tools and equipment; homeowners who have a lovely garden they maintain themselves might not pay any attention to their shed after use. The shed is useful if appropriately used and organized, making it easier to find and locate tools when needed. During the spring and summer period, homeowners use the shed more often. The period before winter, homeowners should ensure they have their shed adequately arranged and organized to avoid staying out in the cold looking for a snow shovel.

To arrange your shed is not a difficult task, and you can do it in no time if you follow the steps highlighted below.

Install A Track

Installing a track in your shed is a great way to keep tools of different size organized and easy to locate. Mounting it reasonably high above the ground would create room on the floor and also make it difficult for kids to have access to tools. The track is easy to install making it ideal for your shed. 

Create An External Cupboard

When it comes to storing tools and gardening equipment, cabinets and cupboards come in handy. Installing a garden cupboard to hold supply you often use outside your shed is a smart way to keep your shed organized while making it easy to access tools regularly used. External cupboards outside help free space inside the shed and make cleanup easier. 

Consider Pegboards

Pegboards is a great way to keep things organized within and outside your shed. Install pegboards on your wall, make use of the right hooks and attachment and your wall would turn out as arranged as you want it to look. Making use of the pegboards keeps Smaller tools like your hand shovel and spanners in a place and off the floor. For an additional solution, label each part according to the tool type–makes it easier to locate items. 

Jars For Smaller Items

Smaller tools like nails and screws might cause a problem when you need to locate. For a complete organization, devices such as this should fit inside jars just at the bottom end of a shelf inside the shed. Depending on the size of the tool, jar containers can vary in sizes. Ensure each jar is appropriately labeled to avoid mixing up items. 

Magnetic Strips

Using a magnetic strip is a unique way to keep your tool organized and properly stored. Metallic items need not remain on the floor anymore, free up floor space with the use of magnetic strips and hangers. 

The steps detailed above are great ways to organize your shed, making it convenient and easy to locate tools and items at no cost to you.

About the Author

Cindy Cassuto

One of the first things you will notice about Cindy Cassuto of Corcoran Legends Realty, a 24-year seasoned REALTOR®, is that she is soft-spoken, but don’t let that fool you. When Cindy is representing her clients, regardless of whether they are buying or selling a home, she is anything but a pushover. Her slogan is CINDY SELLS HOMES and she works extremely hard to be the best in the business. Her message to her clients is that if you’re successful, I’m successful…which is evidenced by the fact that she is truly at the top of her game.